The term “white magic” is a misconception, as magic has no color at all. It’s neutral and it can be used for beneficial purposes, depending upon the tweak the practitioner gives it. Assuming you’re asking if love spells are constructive or beneficial, I’d have to say that most witches would say not, though some might agree to cast one for you. Love spells are basically the equivalent of a magical roofie, and throwing a love spell messes with the head of the target.
You have to ask yourself if you’d really want to do that to someone who you ostensibly care for. Ethics aside, love spells are notorious for going sideways, and not in a good way. As has been mentioned, the most common result is that the target remains enamored of you after you’ve lost interest in them, and you have an uncomfortable situation on your hands. Remember that a love spell is a type of binding, which means that BOTH parties are tied. The person who cast the spell may be as well, even if s/he is not one of the partners.
So yes, you might be able to bring that boyfriend “back”, but that might not necessarily be a good thing. A safer alternative is to do a working to attract the person who is RIGHT for you, for as long as you both want the relationship to last. If it happens to be the ex boyfriend, then cheers and much happiness. Bottom line is that love spells are fraught with pitfalls, and while the spell could work, that doesn’t mean it will bring either of you happiness.