IF YOU ARE BORN IN POOR FAMILY NOT YOUR FORTH BUT IF YOU DIE POOR IS YOUR FORTH SO THINK WISE DON"T FORGET THAT 50MILLION CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE INSTANTLY CALL +27815693240 OR EMAIL NOW TO M b heAKE YOUR WEALTH, PROTECTION, FAME IN AFRICA AFTER YOUR INITIATION THE MONEY YOU SEE Will SERVE YOUDo you want to be a member of the great illuminati brotherhood we are going to make you rich famous and to be a world known star, get a good job, to win elections and get into a political power we are going to enrich you in all your endeavors empowerment and you will never loose any case in court or were ever, you will have powers to control people in high places.beware you must be 18 years and above if you know you are not interested never you attempt to this post be warnedDear Friend and Seeker of the Classical African tradition You live in a world shaped by women and men who sought greatness beyond the limitations of their own minds. It was their destiny to become more than merely human to become true masters over the winds of their need to know some secret things about this world we are leaving.ILLUMINATI Brotherhood is not for everyone, but if it is for you, we welcome you. We are not a fan club, a pen-pal society, or a lonely hearts group. We are a group of dynamic individuals who stand forth as the ultimate underground alternative—the Alien Elite. We realize what we have, what we are, and what we shall become. Our scope is unlimited, and the extent of your involvement is based upon your own potential. All names and addresses are held in strict confidence and you are under no obligation as a Registered Member, unless you choose to present yourself for further consideration. registration into ILLUMINATI Brotherhood is free, no fee is required. join this occult if you have the mind to do it remember that poverty is like marriage without sex for more info call +27815693240 dear friend and seeker of the classical African tradition you live in a world shaped by women and men who sought greatness beyond the limitations of their own minds. it was their destiny to become more than merely human to become true masters over the winds of their lives.we are not suppose to be on the internet but because of this comments: 'i want to join occult in Nigeria' 'i want to join real occult in Ghana' 'i want to join occult in Africa to be rich' 'i want to join an occult for money and power' 'i want to join an occult for wealth and protection' 'i want to join good occult fraternity in Nigeria' 'i want to join great Illuminati in Nigeria to be rich' 'i want to join Illuminati occult in Nigeria/Africa' 'i want to join Illuminati brotherhood in Nigeria' we are now here for you.We are blessed brothers from The Guardians of Age illuminati Brotherhood. The secret heart of this brotherhood offers all initiate members, growth, wealth, fame, power, prosperity and success in all areas of heart desires. We are here to liberate those who need wealth, riches, power, prosperity, protection and success in all ramification. It does not involved the use of any human sacrifices, early personal death or hurting of loved ones and membership is free.We are a group of strong brothers who came from different walks of life for the purpose of alliviating the sufferings of our people illuminati Brotherhood are most probably the most well known secret society in the world.For years the world economy has functioned on the premise: To get ahead you have to step on those around you. You are on your own, struggling to keep your head above water. This is what this gross misinformation with which we had been raised has led us to, to misery, uncaring and wanting. Secret Societies protect their members, protect what is dear and precious to them through secrecy, because if the rest find out, these sacred things including the truth will also be destroyed. for more details call +27815693240 The ILLUMINATI Brotherhood offers wealth, fame, power, protection, knowledge And any other thing you wish for. Including a tax free life, free medical attention, a free pass to travel around the world like every other member, emotional and creative lectures, to improve your mind.We have been doing this for years. We watches everything nothing is hidden from us. We are evereywhere, We have members all over the world, we rule this world Throughout our organization.Contact the Spiritual Grandmaster at Phone number:+27815693240 Mail: allcountries485@gmail.com or vist https://allcountries485.wixsite.com/my-site