Getting rid the desire of "wanting to cheat" in the relationship by using this spell is only way to deal with it. And this "Fidelity Spell" does just that. If your lover has never cheated or you suspect they are already cheating, This casting takes care of the issue of cheating where it begins and where it grows.
Again, even if cheating is merely a desire or worse yet a current problem with your relationship, this casting can still help greatly. Not only does its energies suppress those desires but it enhances the positive aspects of your relationship as well as the reasons to not cheat and potentially destroy your trust or worse yet, the entire relationship. Whatever reason a person has to cheat on a spouse, this "Fidelity" / "Keep My Lover Faithful" spell addresses it at the sub conscious level as well as the conscious level with powerful "Binding Energies" that work wonders for relationships. The Circle's close friends and family all use these very "energies that bind" to help bind and protect their relationships.
Once again, whether your lover has cheated on you or not, this spell is equally effective at fixing fidelity and cheating issues at the source, so no more pain will be inflicted or ever will begin to be.
Those extra steps that would destroy your relationship and trust by cheating will not be taken as they will realize on all levels what matters. Get him/ her committed to your relationship when you use this spell which of which you can request from the spell casters.