Law of Attraction To Marry My Boyfriend, Now, as you have read all that is mentioned above, you must be wondering, how to use the law of attraction to marry my boyfriend. Well, the law of attraction is based on positive thoughts. Let me give you an example. Every one of us uses google.
Now, what would be the google search results if we type ‘no green apples’? Your search results would be full of green apples because Google does not understand negation. The same way our mind and on a higher level, this universe works. Always keep those things and thoughts away even from your mind, that you do not want. And ever think of things, situations, objects, people, etc. whom you do want.
Always imagine and keep your mind as if you already are living your dream. Take your day to day actions in such a way that it revolves around the assumption that you have already achieved that thing that you wish to make.
If you are wondering how do I use the law of attraction to marry my boyfriend then here is a technique that is based on the law of attraction which you can use. Which requires a real dedication though. You can not do it once and find yourself in a ring ceremony with your boyfriend. It requires consistency and durable will power.