If you've never heard of Papa JUMA and his effective spells I guess you've never met a genuine spell caster so quickly get your phone type +27726022109 Then go to your whatsapp add that number start talking to him he's the only genuine magician have ever met after being scammed from more than 10 Sangomas, Yes I used many cause what I wanted was very important. I am a teacher in a Private school in Pretoria and next week i will be 39years with 3kids. I met my boyfriend while I was still at college and we promised ourselves heavens and earth,after 1years I got pregnant and we both dropped out after my child birth I went back to finish my studies which I finally did then got this job my boyfriend continued with life as he was the one paying my tuition. When I started working I adviced him to also go back to school since I could provide for the family which he agreed to and went back. He finally graduated and immediately got a job at a government hospital where I guess all this mess started from. I understand most times he was called in to work late hours but it got worse when he would spend 4 days without coming back, that's when i started thinking maybe he got someone else and to prove my instincts true I went to his place of work only to be told his on wedding and honey moon leave I literally fainted, i gathered myself called him asked where he was and he lied saying his at work. I started looking for information about his affairs only to realise that next month is there wedding after he paid lobola here I didn't hold back i cried my ass out. Been with this man for more than a decade and I was also paying for his tuition now this is how am paid!!! I started looking for Sangomas and that's how I was scammed but God remembered me and i landed on this page Best Love Spell Caster Papa Adam and Munira gave me her whatsapp number +27726022109 after explaining everything to her she cast a spell on the date they choose to make a wedding is the day he paid my lobola and we are busy planning our wedding.thank you so much Papa JUMA