Appointments, Booking and Deliveries 24hrs 604777774 Buy abortion pills in Pietermaritzburg
Call Center whatsapp Numbers +27604777774 A private abortion means avoiding the bureaucracy of NHS. It is your choice to have a child. And only you can make that decision ..... Call Dr. Sarah today NON-SURGICAL ABORTION - (MEDICAL ABORTION) WE USE ONLY PILLS FOR ABORTION. The abortion pill should not be confused with the morning after pills, Abortion Pills Is Used Within the first 18 weeks of pregnancy whereas the morning after pill should only be used within 3 to 5 days after intercourse. The abortion pills, mifepristone and misoprostol, Is an approved pregnancy termination method inPietermaritzburg and can only be prescribed by a medical doctor.HOW DOES ABORTION PILLS WORK? Both abortion pills, mifepristone and misoprostol, are usually used in order to terminate a pregnancy. Mifepristone causes the embryo to detach from the uterus thereby cutting off essential nutrients and oxygen carried by the blood. Misoprostol is then taken two days later and triggers the evacuation of the embryo remnants through the vagina. This often appears as a heavy period.It is advisable that you consult with your medical practitioner for a further understanding of how the abortion pill works.IS THE ABORTION PILLS SAFE? The abortion pill is usually safer than a medical abortion or surgical abortion but should only be considered in the first 18 weeks of pregnancy. Like any procedure, use of the abortion pills can result in complications but if used under the supervision of a medical doctor, the chances of complications are greatly reduced. Your doctor will be best suited to handle any complications should they arise. DANGERS AND SIDE EFFECTS OFTHE ABORTION PILLS? Common side effects include abdominal pain, bleeding and spotting for up to 2 weeks after using the abortion pills. The abortion pill may cause a disturbance in your normal menstrual cycle in some users but usually there are no significant dangers associated with using the abortion pills. Also seek help on the following Bleeding during Pregnancy Weight Gain Due Date Calculator Whatsapp/Call:+27604777774 OUR BRANCHes Howick,Pietermaritzburg,Hilton,Northdale,Richmond.