Whatsapp + 237672649030))ONLINE READING,PSYCHIC Bad Dreams,Business Readings,Black Magic.Lost Lover Spell In Rosslyn,Salvokop,Saulsville,Silver Lakes
Pomba Gira is a Eyptian African goddess that belongs to a class of closely connected spirits that rule urban street life. Her influence is worldwide and this has been from confessions across the world. Her provocative and sensual attitude attracts the weakest of society, prostitutes, the unemployed, transvestites, homosexuals, and is also often sought by professionals and politicians seeking wealth and power.
Invocation of the spirit of Pomba Gira is very dangerous and shouldn’t be tried by someone who is not well versed in Spirites.This more than a love spell. It will cause the person who is the focal point of your desires to become obsessed with you within minutes.
§ 1 candle (preferably red)
§ An offering: chocolate, cigarettes, red lipstick, roses with thorns removed and champagne.
The procedure
Light the candle and get into deep meditation for a few minutes. As soon as you are ready, set the offering around the candle and say the following incantation:
“My queen, Pomba Gira of the 7 crossroads, I beg you wherever you are. Do not let him/her rest, never let him/her sleep, never let him/her talk, never let them be happy, never let him feel any sense of joy until he/she communicates to me.”
“By the powers of the earth, by the inspiration of air, by the presence of fire, the virtues of water, I invoke the 13 blessed souls, by the tears shed for love and the powers of the Sacred Heart, let them go where … (mention name) … is at this time and bring his/her spirit to me and definitely bind my soul with his/hers. His/her spirit will absorb the essence of my love and will return again to me twice. Let … (mention name) … Never want another (woman/man) and let his/her eyes always rest on me.” SO BE IT
“Glory be to Pomba Gira Maria Padilha, the one that reigns over the 7 crossroads! Before you is my petition: go please turn things in my favor, Go and turn around and bring … (mention name) … to me. Fly in the moving air, transforming fire, move the air and let the water s dry up until the ground is left bare. Make the earth rotate. Make the wheels spin, spin the wheels and bring … (mention name) … to me as soon as possible.”
… (Mention name) … should never want another woman or man; he/she will be alone with me. He/she will miss me and come to me. I ask you to never let him or her go”
Do not forget this is one of the easy love spells that work instantly. It is recommended for experienced spell casters. Caution should be taken before invoking Pomba Gira call now chief kosha o or what
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