Function Hire
Catering Services, Decorations, Video Filming, Photographing, Live shows Coverage, Hiring of Equipment
Contact Us:
Olive Mbatha Pinetown: 072 420 3578
Lindo Bhengu KwaDukuza: 063 194 2932
E-mail Address: kuhlendo@gmail.com
Head Office: 030593 Mepho Road, hillcrest,3650
Tel: 063 194 2932
Physical Address : 72 hulett street KwaDukuza
Postal Address: 030593 Mepho Rooad Hillcrest 3650
Kuhlendo Function Hire (Pty) Ltd
provides high quality catering and decor services. The catering service is for Weddings, Umembeso, Birthdays, Funerals, Corporate Functions, Special Events and other related services.
A kitchen or catering service is specially set up to provide authentic meals. We serve a wide variety of dishes. This is offered for two reasons.
The larger repertoire of menu items is a benefit to the customers.
Portshepstone, Marburg, 07/04/2013
Mandeni, KZN, 30/03/2013
Market Analysis Summary
The South African catering market is an interesting one. There are several caterers that offer services that are quite similar to each other in terms of price and menu options. For whatever reasons, there has been little demand by consumers to get caterers to innovate their menu.
Kuhlendo Function Hire occupies a niche in the kosher catering market that offers new, creative menu items, broadening people's conception of real food. This market consists of two target segments that are differentiated by household income.
Market Segmentation
Kuhlendo has two distinct target populations:
1. Middle class clients.
- This group of people does not have huge amount of disposable income, recognizes that it is costly to sponsor a dinner party, and is willing to incur the expenses, but will try to minimize them.
2. Upper class clients.
-This group has values throughout their lives and is willing to spend whatever it takes to throw a high-end dinner functions. Typically, this group is characterized by a wealthy one-income family where both partners work. The female of the household typically thoroughly enjoys the planning of these events.
Target Market Segment Strategy
The target market segment strategy will not be significantly different to address the two different groups. Both groups, regardless of income typically belong to the same group of African communities. Therefore, to reach the different groups does not require a distinctly different strategy. What differentiation it will require is different menu offerings needed to satisfy the different groups. The upper-end menu items are cost prohibitive for the middle class target segment.
Service Business Analysis
The catering business in South Africa is fairly unique. At the low- to mid-price point of the cost spectrum, there are few caterers. These caterers tend to serve the part of the market that must have food served at an occasion.
Competition and Buying Patterns
As stated in the previous section, there are few function service providers that serve the low to middle end of the market. These caterers compete to some degree on cost (due to budget constraints of some clients), but more so on service. The quality and the serving of the food are the main areas of service that the caterers compete on. The buying habit for the high end of the market is price insensitive. Choices are made by menu offerings, reputation, and attention to service.
Strategy and Implementation Summary
Kuhlendo gradually gains a market share in the catering and decor market by leveraging its competitive edges. These edges are superior attention to detail and innovative meals. The edges that LESBON leverage are areas that have been ignored in this market for some time now. These competitive edges coupled with a targeted advertising campaign and networking will be LESBON's game plan for increasing their market share.
Marketing Strategy
Kuhlendo's marketing strategy is based on developing visibility among the community.
This will be accomplished through two ways.
- The first method is a targeted advertising campaign. Advertisement is placed in various newsletters. There are a couple of well known newspapers
- The other marketing strategy which is less formal is a networking campaign among the community. All members will leverage their contacts within the community to raise awareness for their catering activities. While the networking might not cast as large of a net as advertisements will, it costs far less and the relationships that it builds will be far stronger because of the trust relationship that has already been established.
Competitive Edge
Kuhlendo's competitive edge is its attention to servicing customers and differentiates them in the world of catering which is dominated by several companies that have plenty of demand. The consequence of market demand is a decreased pressure to accommodate customers. By making customer satisfaction a priority, over time, local customers will come to appreciate the attention that their needs are given and form a long lasting relationship with the company.
Kuhlendo's other competitive edge is their traditional food that has remained stable and unimaginative for a long time. Most people believe that there are large compromises that must be made when serving food. These compromises need not be made however, and Kuhlendo is changing these misperceptions. Just because there are strict rules regarding the types of foods that may be used and the way it must be prepared does not eliminate creativity. The company is taking its knowledge of catering and creating ideas, affordable, and delicious food alternatives.
Company Ownership
Mr. Lindokuhle Bhengu is the founders and owner received Qualification in Humanites. partnered with Mss Olive Mbatha who is an expert in insurances “We will be in the industry for the rest of our lives and willing to rapidly grow up as zealously wish to take the Industry to the next level. ‘We will make sure that our diverse societies enjoy our fast and efficient services.